Sunday, September 25, 2011

Three Deuces Down - Keith Donnelly

three deuces down - keith donnelly
three deuces down - keith donnelly

Put together a successful Wall Street dropout itching for excitement and a scion of a local family who is having a hard time with the possible demise of his daughter and mysterious son-in-law, and you've got the makings a good detective thriller.

In his first novel, Three Deuces Down, Keith Donnelly introduces Donald Youngblood and his pals - both current and those I-haven't talked to-in-a-while-but-I-need-a-favor - and leads us down a path centered in his East Tennessee roots. Scattered through past loves, current flames and a few social possibilities - along with a mob boss looking for revenge - and this amateur detective has his hands full.

Donnelly provides a full range of colorful characters. From a Cherokee Indian partner to wheelchair-bound ex-police chief, the one thing they have in common is a willingness to take risks to join in doing the right thing, with Youngblood just the guy to stretch things a bit to make sure justice is served.

Does Youngblood come up with the bad guy in the end? First, you have to figure out who the villain really is, and the detective's journey up and down the East Coast makes for a good adventure, for both him and the reader.
Published on January 21, 2008 --BostonNOW - Edward Clarkin


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