Monday, September 5, 2011

Ruby On Rails 3 Tutorial: Learn Rails By Example (addison-wesley Professional Ruby Series) - Michael Hartl

ruby on rails 3 tutorial: learn rails by example (addison-wesley professional ruby series) - michael hartl
ruby on rails 3 tutorial: learn rails by example (addison-wesley professional ruby series) - michael hartl Michael Hartl’s awesome new Rails Tutorial

The Ruby on Rails3 Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example by Michael Hartl has become a must read for developers learning how to build Rails apps.

—Peter Cooper, editor of Ruby Inside


Very detailed and hands-on Rails Tutorial!

Great job! I’m learning Rails, and found your tutorial to be one of the most detailed and hands-on guides. Besides many details of Rails, it also taught me about Git, Heroku, RSpec, Webrat, and most important (at least to me), it emphasized the Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodology. I learned a lot from your tutorial. Keep up the good job! Thanks so much for sharing it.

—Albert Liu, senior manager, Achievo Corporation.


Ruby on Rails Tutorial is the best!

Just wanted to say that your Ruby on Rails tutorial is the best! I’ve been trying for a while to wrap my head around Rails. Going through your tutorial, I’m finally feeling comfortable in the Rails environment. Your pedagogical style of gradually introducing more complex topics while at the same time giving the reader the instant gratification and a sense of accomplishment with working examples really works for me. I also like the tips and suggestions that give me a sense of learning from a real Rails insider. Your e-mail response to a problem I ran into is an example of your generous sharing of your experience.

—Ron Bingham, CEO, SounDBuytz


I love the writing style of the Rails Tutorial

I love the writing style of the Rails Tutorial, and there is so much content that is different from other Rails books out there, making it that much more valuable...Thanks for your work!

—Allen Ding


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