Thursday, September 15, 2011

Perish Your Publisher - John Wiley Spiers

perish your publisher - john wiley spiers
perish your publisher - john wiley spiers

What if you could earn money as you wrote a book?

And then when you finished the book, it was a highly rated perennial seller on, and wherever else you have the book for sale?  And a google search of your name brought you up as number one? And you could do this without a publisher? This author will show you how.

There is something you know that others would like to learn, and it is probably your favorite topic. Whether racing pigeon nutrition, how insurance really works, or physics, you may turn your expertise into a NONCREDIT course which becomes your platform to get paid while writing your book.

You will learn action steps on how to organize content for delivery, market your course to noncredit programs nationwide by email, both in-person sage-on-the-stage and internet courses, and how to leverage it all into producing and marketing your book. Stake out territory for your topic on the ‘net and make your name the top hit for pages on Google search and Amazon books, without investing a dime in promotion.  

Whether sideline work or your career, the amount of work you take is up to you.  Enjoy the benefits of self-employment. Follow-up help available for readers at


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