Monday, September 19, 2011

Lines Of Dark And Light - Victor St. Wicked

lines of dark and light - victor st. wicked
lines of dark and light - victor st. wicked

A compilation of “numerous emotions and experiences”…a title that I almost gave this book, but I got a 3/4 vote from my peers to change it to Lines of Dark and Light. Now, I'm not the type of artist to just do what the people ask, because that wouldn't make me much of an artist, would it? But, this is only a book title, and sometimes you just can't argue with the majority.

Some of these poems began in bits and pieces over a decade ago. Some of them were written very recently. I was just writing down whatever I felt at the time. Good. Bad. Happy. Sad. Whether it rhymed or not, didn't matter.

When I was putting this book together, I couldn't help but notice that most of the poems seemed to fall into a certain topic or category. So, I came up with the idea of putting my poems into chapters. As far as I know, no other poet has ever done this. If so, then I?ve overlooked it. I don't read much anyway, and I?m not much of a poetry expert, so what would I know?

People have told me for many years, “You need to publish your work! You will go far with it!”

Well, here it is. We'll see if they were right


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