Sunday, September 18, 2011

Connecticut Trivia - Frank Abate

connecticut trivia - frank abate
connecticut trivia - frank abate

Test your Connecticut smarts with this engaging trivia book! Connecticut Trivia is filled with fascinating questions and answers about the history, culture, people, and places of the great state of Connecticut. You’ll discover:

- What 1639 document is considered the first written constitution for democracy

- How many states the size of Connecticut would fit in Alaska

- The common name of Physeter catodon, the state animal

- The first woman in the U.S. to be elected a state governor

- And more!

Packed with well-known and not-so-well known facts about this colorful, historic state, Connecticut Trivia will provide hours of entertainment and education. It’s a must-have for Connecticut natives, transplants, and those just passing through, too!


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