Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What Kind Of Europe? - Loukas Tsoukalis

what kind of europe? - loukas tsoukalis
what kind of europe? - loukas tsoukalis

"This is not just one more book on the theory of European integration, nor a specialized study of the intricacies of E.U. governance and policymaking. It is, quite simply, the most readable, comprehensive and balanced account yet of an extraordinary experiment in interstate cooperation."--Foreign Affairs

"Loukas Tsoukalis... is an EU insider par excellence. He has managed to write a book about the European Union which takes on big questions and writes about them in clear and lively language.... all sides in the argument about the future of the European Union would profit from reading his book, which manages to summarise old arguments in a succinct and accessible way, while also introducing stimulating new ideas to the debate." --The Economist


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