Wednesday, September 28, 2011

12 Extreme Ufo Events Deciphered - Chet Dembeck

12 extreme ufo events deciphered - chet dembeck
12 extreme ufo events deciphered - chet dembeck

This report is written for those who want a dose of sanity to take along with them as they embark on their UFO journey.

As a former hard-news reporter, I knew when I took the leap into Ufology that I was leaving respectable journalism in the eyes of the world -- and crossing over into what many consider the pale of ridiculousness, fantasy and crackpotism.

But I was compelled to take that step based on personal research I had conducted over a period of several years. It consisted of dissecting a plethora of declassified government documents from more than five countries and scrutinizing dozens of extremely credible and often sworn testimonies of individuals from all walks of life who had witnessed significant UFO events. After absorbing this often incredible, fantastic and sometimes troubling information, I became convinced UFOs and extraterrestrials are real – albeit still unexplained and continuously covered up and denied by the powers that be.

In this report, I do my best to sum up the essence of each case I present, backed by credible evidence from multiple sources – with little or no speculation. The facts of each case speak for themselves.

I begin with Roswell, which is the granddaddy of all UFO cases, and finish with numerous lesser known but equally important encounters.

I’ve done my best to uncover some new information for you on many of these cases, which are backed by proper documentation. Most e-readers have the capacity to zoom in on these documents and enlarging them by simply clicking on them and hitting the plus sign. Even so, some of the documents may be difficult to read, but they are included to back up my account of each case.

Chet Dembeck


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