Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Myth Of "death" - Floyd Henderson

the myth of

In the loft of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, twenty seekers might have been present some days but only a few entered into direct dialogue with Maharaj. Why allow more into the room than can participate?

It is known that pointers must be heard (or read), but they need not to be spoken directly to a seeker for their meaning to "take hold." It matters not if a seeker desires that the teacher speak directly to her or him because, in Reality, it is the consciousness that is speaking to the consciousness. One speck of consciousness might be addressing another, but all specks that are present can receive the pointers to Truth that are being offered.

The case in this book (which shares the content from a series of satsangs) is that only a few entered into direct exchange with the teacher / author but that many more specks of consciousness were "looking over the shoulder of the seekers" and receiving the message via the exchange; in fact, seekers in over eighty-five different cities around the globe were such participants.

The satsang content being shared herein involved a series of exchanges that took place at the time of the Mumbai attacks in 2008. The book will offer a historical perspective on the beliefs about death that are held among the non-Realized; the forces among the non-Realized that result in the relative being so marked by "deaths"; why there is such unwarranted fear associated with death;

why there are so many misconceptions about "death"; why mass change shall not come; and why the invitation is, therefore, to abandon the fear of death and the desire to prevent death and instead to seek the Self and the bliss at the only time that bliss can happen, specifically, now.

The author discusses in detail the fact that everything in the erroneously-labeled “real life” as well as everything imagined via the relative “secret life” is (1) mutable and ever-changing, (2) is therefore not real at all and (3) is never as perceived. That which is Real is unchanging and immutable and nameless…beyond all labels including “self” and “Self.”

To that end, the distortions of the individualized views about “personal death” will be exposed alongside the misery and suffering and fear that exists among those attached to the concepts of “birth,” “death,” “life,” “afterlife,” and "continuity of body and mind and personality."

The consideration offered by Realized Advaitins is that no one has been born, that nothing was created, and that, therefore, there is no death - and those concepts shall also be discussed in the book to the end that all might understand the myth of death and thereafter be free to enjoy the present manifestation after enlightenment allows Reality to be overlaid on the relative.

For those who have studied any of the various types of yoga and who have studied either Traditional Advaita Vedanta, Neo-Advaita, Neo-Vedanta, or Pseudo Advaita: the author of this book is a disciple of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj so he uses the Direct Path Method of teaching along with the Nisarga (Natural) Yoga, all shared in simple, everyday English.


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